wonders of the Grand Canyon world

GRAND CANYON Grand Canyon National Park is a National Park located in northern Arizona, United States, this National Park is the first National Park in the United States. This National Park was inaugurated on February 26, 1919, in which the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt who established it and inaugurated it, even he who wanted the Grand Canyon to become the property of the nation and maintain its beauty, thus avoiding private ownership of this place, and finally set it as a National Park, in this place there is a cliff-ravine cluster length of approximately 446 km, with a width ranging from 6 km to 29 km and with a depth of more than 1,600 m. The first white man to see it was García López de Cárdenas of Spain in 1540. It was originally occupied by Native Americans, that is, the Indians who built a residence on the canyon wall long before García López saw it. And in 1979, the G...